Information Technologies Group Inc.
Specializing in Mission Critical Services
Commissioning Services
Verifying reliability designed into the system is transitioned from static construction to dynamic high reliability operation.
Operations Reliability & Load Management
Managing white space to maintain the high reliability designed and commissioned.
Reliability Audits
Periodic checks to assure reliability designed, constructed and commissioned is maintained throughout the facility life cycle.
Miller Engineering Information Technologies Group Inc. (MEITG) has designed high-reliability infrastructure systems to meet our clients' mission critical needs for decades. Designs are developed assuming all components and sub-systems fail sometime, providing multiple levels of redundancy, so at the time of a single failure, there is more than one system in place to continue supporting the critical operations. Our staff has the capacity to break down large, complex projects into critical detailed steps with thorough checks, resulting in successful transition to higher levels of reliability. Expansion and refresh projects that transition to higher levels of reliability are completed without lost time or trauma. In
MEITG ensures that our clients receive systems that perform and test to specifications. We develop testing scripts and methods of procedures, witness installations, and verify operational parameters. We ensure that the systems perform according to design objectives. Our core business is providing services for businesses with critical needs and high risk of loss due to infrastructure failure. We have been designing dual feed redundant electrical and mechanical systems for more than 30 years.

Fortune 100 & 500 Companies
Designed reliability is preserved after construction by managing the details of a facility's critical infrastructure in equipment areas and on the raised floor. The tools to achieve those goals are Critical Area Control Programs, Load Tracking and Management Programs, and Intelligent Monitoring.
White space performance is overseen through: tracking equipment performance, scheduling Preventive Maintenance scripting, replacement and expansion activities, on site technical expertise during unexpected failures, recording of maintenance and repairs, and recommissioning of aging systems.,
Redundancy has very short life if redundant components are not exercised or fail and are not monitored, not alarmed, and not repaired. Intelligent Monitoring must be a part of design integrity. Intelligent Monitoring is at least as important as redundancy.
DESIGN Services
Over many years, we have developed proven capabilities by designing new and refitting existing electrical and mechanical mission critical infrastructures, achieving some of the highest uptime records in the country.
Our designs provide fault-tolerant, continuously-maintainable systems that decrease manual intervention (reducing human error) while providing safe serviceability.
We at MEITG frequently find ourselves called in to review projects in construction or nearing completion to troubleshoot designs, and to diagnose and correct outage-causing deficiencies. This uncommon experience of evaluating a very wide variety of designs and problems from multiple mission critical facilities gives us a unique insight into which designs work well and which designs are deficient.
Choosing a firm with depth of experience — one that pays attention to detail and possesses a track record of proven high-reliability designs, and one that provides access to the most experienced designers — will help avoid the very costly, but sometimes necessary, pitfall of re-designing the systems that are at high risk.

Quality at many critical facilites today tends to be a rule book, which is too often followed mindlessly without full understanding of the system and their multiple variable operating modes. If every mode of operations is not tested fully, then one is not serious about reliability.In
In order to achieve a quality product fulfilling the client's needs, a commissioining process must be implemented and become an integral part of an installation. The intent of this process is to bring the project (systems) from a state of static completion to a state of dynamic operation, meeting the design intent.
Facility and operations managers face siginifcant daily challenges. They must upgrade systems and equipment to meet changing performance and cost objectives. They also must ensure compliance with ever-increasing regulatory and security requirements.
To keep facilities in optimal condition, managers need a strategic approach, a tool that will help monitor and analyze conditions of the facilities: a periodic facility Reliability Audit. The intent of the audit is to compile a profile of the facility and to assess the maintainability and reliability of the infrastructure.
MEITG audits are specifically tailored based on client needs and on a facility by facility basis.
The survey team records field observations for individual building components and operations procedures. This information is used to:
Understand the design intent of the building systems and compare that equipment performance with the client needs.
Assess adequacy of the existing operations procedures and strategies.
Define areas needing improvement and/or replacement.
Identify infrastructure repair priorities.
Identify conditions that could present hazards or code violations.
Identify energy-saving opportunities.
Identify cost-saving opportunities.
The results of the audit are used to address major and minor, urgent and long-term needs for corrective action, and for short and long term financial planning.
MEITG audit services can include: Analysis of Failures, Energy Efficiency, Single Points of Failure, Control System Troubleshooting, System Grounding Audits, Coordination Studies for Reliability, and Arc Flash Studies.

811 East Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 935
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202
Email: MEI@miller-engineering.com
Tel: 866-347-1877
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